Does an SSL certificate affect your SEO ranking?

Higher ranking for HTTPS websites since 2014

In August 2014, Google announced that website security was a top priority. In this announcement, they stated that websites using HTTPS:// would receive a ranking advantage in their algorithm.

Enforcing a secure connection

At that time, many websites were accessible via both HTTPS:// and HTTP://. Besides posing an SEO risk due to duplicate content, this also created security vulnerabilities. This is why Google referenced TLS in their announcement.

TLS enforces a secure connection, ensuring that a website is only accessible through HTTPS. This has now become a standard practice that every website should follow. Websites that do not enforce this could experience negative ranking effects in search results.

Different types of SSL certificates

There are several types of SSL certificates, which can be categorized into different levels of validation.

Level 1: Domain Validation (DV)

A domain-validated SSL certificate is the most basic and cost-effective option. The certificate authority only checks the domain ownership, using WHOIS records. No business identity verification is performed. The primary purpose of this SSL type is simply to secure the connection.

Level 2: Organization Validation (OV)

An organization-validated SSL certificate includes verification of business details in addition to domain validation. Visitors can view company information within the certificate, providing greater assurance that the website belongs to the expected organization.

Level 3: Extended Validation (EV)

This type of SSL certificate involves a more extensive verification process, confirming the domain, business identity, and certificate applicant. Some web browsers previously displayed the company name in the address bar for EV certificates, increasing trustworthiness. However, this display behavior varies depending on the browser. In some cases, users may see the name of a parent company or sole proprietor, which might not always align with their expectations.

Does the type of SSL certificate affect SEO ranking?

There are no confirmed reports from Google indicating that different SSL certificate types influence SEO rankings. The most important factor is simply having an SSL certificate to enable HTTPS.

The choice of SSL certificate varies by industry, and many website visitors are not even aware of the different certificate types. In the past, browsers displayed the SSL certificate type in the address bar, but this is no longer the case in the latest versions of Google Chrome and other modern browsers.

Which SSL certificate is best for SEO?

Since Google has emphasized security as a top priority since 2014, it is likely that higher security standards could be rewarded with better rankings in the future.

A good approach is to analyze what your competitors are using to ensure you meet at least the same security level. From there, weigh the costs and benefits.

For organizations, it makes sense to use at least an Organization Validation (OV) SSL certificate. From an SEO and user experience perspective, having an SSL certificate that verifies business details aligns with Google’s focus on security and trust.

Want to learn more?

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